Currently, existing space is occupied by fixed furniture, resulting in fixed function. In the future we see high-density urban spaces becoming dynamic and able to accommodate multiple functions.
A robot moves and organizes furniture throughout a space, controlled by the user's mobile phone. The robot reorganizes the layout according to the needs of the owner by providing various functions at different times.
Existing building spaces can be utilized to their fullest by creating environments where a multitude of activities can take place in one space.
Step 1: Place ButlerBot stickers onto furniture. The robot will locate, scan, and measure the object.
Step 2: Connect your ButlerBot with your phone's bluetooth.
Step 3: Scan your room to generate your house's floor plan.
Step 5: Select the layout category
you wish to achieve
Step 7: Select the create button to set the route for the ButlerBot to automatically arrange your space.
Step 4: Select the area you want to arrange.
Step 8: You're almost there! ButlerBot is finishing your room's layout
Step 6: Choose which customized floor plan layout you would like